Friday, June 30, 2006




The Simon Wiesenthal Center called for an international arrest warrant to be issued for the apprehension of Hamas leader and one of Israel's most wanted men, Khaled Mashaal, who is the chief architect in the terror campaign against Israel. This, in wake of the recent attacks including the murder of two Israeli soldiers, the kidnapping of a third soldier, and the killing of an 18-year old.

“The time has come for the United Nations to demand that Syria give up Khaled Mashaal and to issue an international arrest order for his apprehension,” wrote Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Center’s Founder and Dean, in a letter to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.

“He is no less an international pariah and outlaw than Osama Bin Ladin and Ayman Zawahiri and should be tried for his crimes against humanity. Mashaal is the real face of Hamas and as long as the international community allows him to live freely and continue his terrorist activities, there will be no road map and no prospects to achieve Middle East peace,” added Hier.

“Mashaal has been the key player in directing Hamas’ suicide murders against thousands of Israeli civilians. He is behind the current rocket attacks, and the recent state of kidnappings initiated by his followers. His sole objective is the complete destruction of the State of Israel,” Hier concluded.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mahmoud Abas' military 'wing,' Fatah's al aksa martyr's brigade boasts that it has shot a rocket bearing a bio-chemical warhead into Israel. This is quite possible and the public response of the Olmert administration minimizing the incident is predictable. Only a terrorist attack resulting in major Jewish casualties might, -- repeat, might compel the client regime of Foggy Bottom to respond with significant military force against the jihadists who are in open war against Israel. The Olmert - Peres regime is not going to accept the reality of this until it happens and when it does they cadres in the media and academia will blare that it is because Israel has not withdrawn fast or far enough toward the ocean.
That's how intelligent the "enlightened ones" in Israel are.
The last thing the Olmert - Barak (Supreme Court Judge and militant secularist Aharon Barak) regime wants is to be put in a position where it needs to save face and thus retain its chokehold on Israeli society by meaningfully striking the Arabs. If this clique was to take a major bite out of terrorism it would damage the regime's excuse and means for 'justifying' the alienation of the central portions of the Jewish heritage of land and holy sites.
The suicidal insanity of the jihadists is less mad and more reality-based than it seems. It is based partly on an accurate assessment of the fact that the dominant elites in Israel intend on destroying the Jewish aspects of the state and that therefore terrorism can be escalated with success if it is done steadily with occasional spikes, like the kidnapping of Jewish soldiers built in to move the process along.
The "Palestinian" terrorist groups are not only pawns of Arab states and ruling elites but of the Israeli secular elites that want, 1) to preempt the dawn of a truly Jewish and self-respecting Israel, and 2) to maintain their own socio-political dominance despite their small numbers.
This is why the current occupation of small parts of Gaza by the IDF is so limp, so lacking in major firepower directed against all areas that harbor terrorists and all hostile population centers. This is why the IDF and Olmert regime already, as the Labor "Zionists" did in 1948 are pleading with the Arabs not to flee to Egypt but to stay in the Gaza area: they need to be as close as possible to the Jewish towns they must attack for further withdrawals to be justified until Israel reaches the size that the State deems adequate for its complete servility while also retaining utility as a target for global jihad and a steady source of computer, laser, military and medical technology. That's the game.
Instead of taking grim satisfaction in the imminent destabilization and fall of the Mubarak and Hussein regimes in Egypt and Jordan respectively and their replacement by blatantly jihadist cliques whose activities might embarass Israel into a meaningful military strike, Israel's government is now aligned with American and French diplomats in laboring to extricate the kidnapped Israeli soldier as a means to saving the puppet regimes in Cairo and Amman.
Of course this self-despising treachery is self-defeating for, like the expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif it emboldens Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran and only brings closer the inevitable major attack that will force the anti-Jewish client regimes in Jerusalem to strike back decisively or to lose their hold over the IDF and the Jews. Make book on it: when the terrible attack comes, as in 1948, the forces of 'havlaga' (which is mainly a rationalization of the elite's refusal to be Jewish and embrace the birthright) will counter attack only as much as they need to do to maintain their power and facade of legitimacy. And so there will be graver and larger terror strikes until the entire unnatural charade, the wall of whitewashed plaster is swept away by a storm.
Still this game plays on: Israeli reports, aping and aped by the world media, in consonant with jihadist bluster, emphasize the 'dangers' of Israel attacking its enemies throughout Gaza. Mines, booby traps, .... blather. These are serious obstacles only if the politicized IDF, true to form from 1948 to Jenin 2002 uses its ground troops as cannon fodder and refrains from making maximal use of its air force. This of course is what should be done and would reduce the jihadist enclave to the condition of Dresden in late March 1945.
Maybe Rice should order Olmert to do this since it would save Mubarak from the nightmare western diplomacy and islamic imperialism has created in Gaza and so many other places.
Eugene Narrett's new book, "Israel and the Endtimes" is available at
The above post was sent me by this accurate news commentator:
P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661
Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Olmert's Unique Negotiating Strategy

The people of Israel owe a debt of gratitude to Ehud Olmert.

In a speech today to the British Parliament in London, Israel's Prime Minister unwittingly succeeded in summing up everything that is wrong with our nation's policy towards the Palestinians in a mere two sentences.

Olmert_bends_over With nary a trace of sarcasm, here is what Mr. Olmert had to say about his plan to withdraw from most of Judea and Samaria while retaining control over a handful of so-called settlement blocs:

"There was no 'Zionist' reasoning here, as you might be inclined to argue. There is an honest, real will on my part to give a lot and receive little in return."

Yes – you read that correctly. But just in case you didn't, here it is again: "There was no 'Zionist' reasoning here, as you might be inclined to argue. There is an honest, real will on my part to give a lot and receive little in return."

And so, the two key principles upon which Mr. Olmert's policy rests, based on his own remarks, appear to be the following:

1 – no "Zionist" reasoning guides Israeli decision-making

2 – Israel will give up a lot with the aim of receiving little in return

And all this time, we were wondering if the guy knew what he was doing…

Fundamentally Freund

U.S. Marines Build Shrine To Islam

By Paul Sperry | June 13, 2006

We are at war with militant Islam, but you wouldn't know it from the Pentagon, which is busy erecting a shrine to Islam just five short years after Islamic terrorists destroyed a good chunk of its own building and killed more than 100 of its occupants. Worse, it's consulting on the project with a Wahhabi-educated cleric posing as a moderate.

Last week, military brass -- along with
representatives from the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations -- dedicated the first Muslim prayer center for the Marines as a symbol of the military's "religious tolerance" and "respect" for the faith the enemy uses to attack us. Already, plans are in the works to build by 2009 a bigger mosque at the Marine base in Quantico so Muslim service members can have a "proper place" to worship, and one that "honors their religious heritage," officials say, not realizing that the mosque can also be used by the enemy to build a Fifth Column inside the Marines.

The idea for the center came from
Navy Lt. Abuhena Mohammed Saifulislam, a young, smooth-talking Muslim chaplain, who wanted a permanent place of worship -- and "education" -- for the growing number of soldiers who are interested in -- and converting to -- Islam.

Quantico has only 24 Muslims on
base, so the mosque -- the first of its kind in the 230-year history of the Corps -- will also serve to introduce and draw other Marines to the faith. Large posters explaining how "Muslims love and respect Jesus" (but only as a minor prophet and not the son of God, which they view as blasphemous to Allah) line the inside of the white building. This is one way imam Saifulislam -- known on base simply as "Saif" -- bridges the faiths to reach out to Christian soldiers. Blacks are particularly susceptible to his pitch.

Apparently, whatever Saifulislam
wants, he gets -- even at the terrorist prison camp at Gitmo, where he was first assigned after 9-11. There, he recommended that al-Qaida detainees be served halal meals -- including traditional dates and lamb -- prepared according to Islamic dietary law. The Gitmo menu now boasts 113 Muslim-appropriate meals for the benefit of finicky terrorist tummies.

That's not all. Thanks to
Saifulislam's advice, our enemy now wakes to the sound of Muslim chaplains calling them to prayer instead of barking dogs or guards, who are now trained in Muslim sensitivity. Also thanks to Saifulislam, detainees can brush up on jihad by reading paperback Pentagon-issued copies of the Quran. They can even finger prayer beads and wear makeshift turbans and skull caps.

While at Gitmo, the Navy imam privately counseled al-Qaida prisoners in their native tongues of Urdu and Arabic. "I must give hope for them to cope," Saifulislam said. How thoughtful of him.

It turns out Saifulislam
also ministered to Marine Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, a fellow Muslim charged with desertion, just before he went AWOL again last year. Hassoun deserted his post in Iraq where he served as an Arabic translator. After he was captured, and after he met with the Quantico imam, he deserted again.

Saifulislam is clean-cut with a Colgate smile. The Pentagon gives him great latitude because he claims to be moderate.

However, Saifulislam
studied Islam at a hardline Wahhabi school in Virginia that was raided by federal authorities after 9-11. And one of his mentors is Taha Jaber Al-Alwani, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Sami al-Arian terror case. Federal court records allege he gave at least $50,000 in jihad money "to support suicide bombings" in Israel.

Saifulislam, born in
Bangladesh, insists he is only a Sunni Muslim and does not adhere to the faith's more orthodox and militant Wahhabi sect practiced by Osama bin Laden and his ilk. Still, his pro-jihad academic background should raise flags at the Pentagon.

Instead, it's giving
him a permanent taxpayer-supported platform from which to convert grunts to Islam. With the Quantico mosque, the Pentagon is facilitating the study of the holy texts the enemy uses, heretically or not, as their manual of war. This is tantamount to the Marines setting up a Mein Kampf reading room during WWII.

The timing of the
dedication ceremony is ironic by half. As the deputy secretary of defense and Marine commandant respectfully removed their shoes to enter the mosque and intoned pleasant PC platitudes about being one big happy "family" with Muslims, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced the arrest of 17 Muslim men who had allegedly plotted to explode fertilizer-based bombs at important sites in Canada. Their plans also called for attacking parliament and even beheading the prime minister. Almost half of them had attended the same mosque in Toronto.

Several military officers chose to sit out the Quantico ceremony than hear deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England mouth "salaams" to the Muslims in attendance. They think the mosque is misplaced, and don't trust its imam.

"I have great concern about this young Muslim chaplain," said Lt. Comm. Gary P. Stewart, also a Navy chaplain. "I don't trust him."

The Pentagon's
over-the-top gesture is only the latest sign that political correctness is running amok inside the military. Chief chaplains for the Navy, Army and Air Force routinely meet with top leaders from the Islamic Society of North America for PC powwows, even though ISNA is a Saudi-backed group with ties to terrorists. No matter, the Pentagon distributes ISNA literature on Islam and Muslims to help increase troops' "sensitivity" toward Islam.

The first principle of war is knowing your enemy and what motivates him. The PC-addled Pentagon seems to have forgotten that rule.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The peoples cube is slightly UPFRONT!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Solana: 'We will not let the Palestinians down'
Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 5, 2006

European foreign policy chief Javier Solana pledged Monday to continue the European Union's financial support of the Palestinians. Solana also promised to talk to Israeli officials to ensure that the main crossings into the Gaza Strip can work more efficiently.

Solana said European officials were still working on a mechanism to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians while bypassing the Hamas-led government.

"The EU continues to be the most important donor to the Palestinians. More money is being given in the year 2006 than 2005," he said at a joint news conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. "We will not let the Palestinians down."

He said officials from the "Quartet" of Mideast peace makers - the US, EU, United Nations and Russia - would discuss the mechanism on Tuesday. An EU spokesman in Brussels said no meeting was planned, but a teleconference was possible.